Mattaponi Sundowners 12-19-21

Howdy All,

Well, what a day; wind, rain, sleet and then sun shine just as we were leaving. Thanks to Potter for thinking ahead and putting up the an extra tent for shooting under. We had 15 shooters that were brave or whatever, that came out and shot the match. Thanks to all that did the set up and those that helped with tear down.

Congrats to Dakota Rambler As Overall Match winner and to Dakota Rambler, Ripsaw, Tom Mix and Wistful McClintock for shooting CAD.

Thanks to all that joined us at Nick’s for our annual Christmas party and gift exchange.  It was a nice event with nice gifts.

WE WISH EVERYONE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!  Hope to see everyone healthy and safe in 2022.

Sassy and Potter