
West Point Gun Club Double Action Match April 12, 2018

The West Point Gun Club will be having their monthly Double Action match this Thursday, Apr 12th. The gates open at 8:00 AM, setup starts at 8:30 AM, sign up starts at 8:30 AM and shooting starts at 10:00 AM. In addition to our 6 stage Double Action match, we will be having the following:
    – 20 round J-Frame (5 shot, short barrel) stage
    – 28 round 1911 stage using Wild Bunch Rules (smaller frame carry 1911’s are OK to use)
    – We will also be shooting a 29 round stage (24 with normal DA Firearm then 5 rounds with a J-Frame) this will be one of the 6 DA stages.
If it rains we will put up tents. Also if there is time after the normal stages have been completed we may have another 1911 stage so you may want to bring extra ammo for the 1911.
As normal all stages are shot using adult caliber firearms (center fire) and no lasers, red dot or other optics are allowed.

Smoke On The Mattaponi

Well, it’s that time again to not blow smoke but to shoot some smoke.  “Smoke On The Mattaponi”, the Virginia State Black Powder match will be held on June 23, 2018.  We plan a fun filled day of shooting a little black powder, sitting around the chuck wagon eating some good vittles and swapping stories. Prairie City Slim will be writing the stages for the match so we know that they will be challenging but fun.


Plans are to set up the range for the match the day before the match.  Gates will open at 0800, mandatory safety meeting at 0930 and shooting starts at 1000.  We will shoot 6 fun filled stages without a break then have lunch. As soon as the match is over we plan a hardy lunch that is included in your match fee and then range take down.  Once the range take down is finished we will have the awards ceremony.


All established categories are recognized but you must register for the match and your category before the registration deadline of June 8, 2018.  You can still attend and shoot the match after that date but you will have to shoot in an established category in order to be eligible for an award.  Attached is an application for the “Smoke On The Mattaponi” match.  Please complete and return to Whiskey Mae as soon as possible.  We need everyone’s help in completing this and returning it as soon as possible so we can get an accurate head count for the lunch.  We want enough food but of course we don’t want to come up short or have a lot of left overs.


SASS requires that all shooters for this match must be a current SASS member in good standing.  Please make sure that your SASS alias is spelled correctly including that your SASS badge number is correct.  All shooters names must be submitted to SASS for approval prior to the match.

We are also accepting sponsorships for this match.


If you are interested in sponsoring a stage or any part of this match it will greatly appreciated.  We will be working hard for great sponsorship again this year.


We hope to see y’all at the match.


2018 SOTM – Shooter Application.pdf
2018 Smoke On The Mattaponi XI Sponsors.pdf

WPGC Rimfire Steel Match Reminder for WED, 04 APR

Hello Shooters!

Our next Rimfire Steel Match will be on WED, 04 APR.  Weather forecast is for temperatures in the high 60s to 70s, but with a chance of rain around 1100.  We’ll put tents up and have fun!

Refer to http://www.westpointgunclub .com/shooting-programs/rimfire -steel/ for a description of these matches and equipment requirements. In addition, the Open class will be available. In addition to that, the Cowboy Class will allow two Single-Action revolvers to be fired “gunfighter style” (one in each hand).

Gates open at 8:30 a.m.; match starts at 10.

See you there!


Mattaponi Sundowners match results 3-24-18

Howdy All Cowboys and Cowgirls,

Today was a little cool but we were able to shoot and have fun.  It was a different but FUN match.  Thank You Cody Maverick for the interesting stages.  Think we learned 2 things; light loads and to aim.

There’s a new Cowboy in Town; Congrats to Doc Pill Filler as Overall Match Winner.  Congrats to Flatboat Bob and Wistful McClintock for shooting CAD.

Next Saturday is 5th Saturday so there is no SASS match that we know of and keep an eye out for details about Cavalier Cowboys having a match next Sunday.  Keep an eye on your calendar because this will be one of those weird months with the 1st being on a Sunday.

HAPPY EASTER, to everyone!!

Sassy and Potter

MATTAPONI SUNDOWNERS results 3-24-18 match.pdf
MATTAPONI SUNDOWNERS results 3-24-18.pdf

Mattaponi Sundowners match by Cody Maverick 3-24-18

Howdy All Cowboys and Cowgirls,

The Mattaponi Sundowners will be holding a match Saturday, March 24, 2018.  The match looks very interesting and fun.  The match was written by Cody Maverick.

Gates will open at 0830, safety meeting at 0930, and shooting starts at 1000.

Looks like good weather except on the cool side.

Hope you see all of y’all there.

Sassy and Potter

MATTAPONI SUNDOWNERS match 3-24-18 by Cody Maverick.doc
MATTAPONI SUNDOWNERS match 3-24-18 by Cody Maverick.pdf

Gathering On The Mattaponi


Just a few more days until the “Gathering On The Mattaponi”. There are still openings for any last minute shooters.  It is too late to get a badge and you will have to register in the “Cowboy” category, but you can still enjoy 12 stages of shooting and hang out with your cowboy and cowgirl friends. 

The round count for the match is: 120 rifle, 120 pistol, and 41 shotgun.  Of course you may want a few more than that for the occasional jacked out rifle round or the missed shotgun target.  The round count for the “Wildbunch” match is: 8 rifle, 49 pistol and 10 shotgun.

One Eyed Rooster will be there on Saturday with 38, 357, 45LC and 45 ACP brass for sale.  He will also have some bags of 7 ½ and 8 shot for sale at $30 per bag.  This is new shot NOT reclaimed.  Regret Scovefield has a couple of boxes of .358 105 grain TCFP coated bullets for sale. Bullets will be sold as first come first get.

We will begin set up Friday at 1000 so the gates will be open at that time for campers to come in and get set up.  On Saturday morning the gates will open at 0730, safety meeting at 0930 and start shooting at 1000.  Please arrive early enough to get your equipment unpacked and check in for registration.

Attached is the schedule for the weekend.  The weather for the weekend is looking really good at this time.  We are keeping our fingers crossed that it holds out for the match.  We will adjust for the weather as needed.

Please travel safely!!  Looking forward to seeing you all.

Potter County Kid


WPGC Rimfire Steel Match Results for 07 MAR

Hi, Shooters!

Finally, here are the scores from our match.  We had some technical difficulties getting the scores in the right format, but all is good now.

It was a cold and damp day, but I think we all had fun.  Always good to shoot with friends and enjoy each others’ company.

The next match will be WED, 04 APR.  Hope to see you all there.



PP RF Match Results 2018-03-07.pdf

West Point Gun Club Double Action Match March 8th

The West Point Gun Club will be having their monthly Double Action match this Thursday, Mar 8th. The gates open at 8:00 AM, setup starts at 8:30 AM, sign up starts at 8:30 AM and shooting starts at 10:00 AM. In addition to our 6 stage Double Action match, we will be having the following:

    – 20 round J-Frame (5 shot, short barrel) stage
    – 20 round 1911 stage using Wild Bunch Rules (smaller frame carry 1911’s are OK to use)
    – We will also be shooting a 29 round stage (24 with normal DA Firearm then 5 rounds with a J-Frame) this will be one of the 6 DA stages.

If it rains we will put up tents. Also if there is time after the normal stages have been completed we may have another 1911 stage so you may want to bring extra ammo for the 1911.
 As normal all stages are shot using adult caliber firearms (center fire) and no lasers, red dot or other optics are allowed.


WPGC Rimfire Steel Match Reminder for WED, 07 MAR

Hello Shooters!!

Our next Rimfire Steel Match is scheduled for this WED, 07 MAR.  I’m watching the weather.  Right now Weather Bug says it will be low 40s, windy, and possible showers.  So we will hold the match unless the weather changes dramatically.  Dress warmly and bring rain gear  (that way it won’t rain!).

Refer to for a description of these matches and equipment requirements. In addition, the Open class will be available. In addition to that, the Cowboy Class will allow two Single-Action revolvers to be fired “gunfighter style” (one in each hand).

Gates open at 8:30 a.m.; match starts at 10.

See you there!
