
Shoot For A Cure

Howdy All Cowboys and Cowgirls,

Well that time of year so almost here, 27 days away.  That’s right, the annual “Shoot For A Cure” match is just around the corner.  We have lofty goals for this year.  One of our Cowboys has put us to the challenge of not only exceeding our goals of $1 more but has challenged us to make it to $10,000.

Y’all do so much to make this match a success I hate to ask for more but I’m not above it either.  I’m begging that we all do a little more.  This match isn’t to shine a spotlight on me but I would like to shine it on the survivors that we celebrate with and for those that we shed tears over loosing. They are the real stars.  BUT it is also about raising money for those that will need help with the cost of treatment, need help with daily living during treatment and research to stop this dreaded disease.  We think that we don’t want our money to go to research, in many cases I’m right there with you, but research has made cancer more survivable in many ways; such as breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer just to name a few and others cancers also have better ways for early detection thanks to this research.

This year, as in years past, the WPGC has graciously said they will again support our endeavor with a $5 donation for each shooter that will do early registration, show up and shoot the match.  Early registration also helps me greatly be able to focus on other important aspects of this match.  Green Top Sporting Goods has generously donated another shotgun or value of the shotgun in the form of a gift certificate for us to raffle.  They have also given us space at their “Expo” the first weekend of October.  Please come out and support them as they have supported “Shoot For A Cure”, also drop by our tent there and say Hello. 

At the match, we will have many items for sale, raffle, and silent auction; one of which will be a pistol. Of course, we will have others outside of Cowboy Action Shooting that will be able to purchase tickets for the Green Top gift card but the pistol will only be open to those that are Cowboy shooters and present at the match.  Wistful and Inita Shoot have been busy already with T shirt and sweat shirt sales which will also be available at the match.  If you would like to order a sweat shirt, zipped or pull over hoody, please contact them.

There are many of you Cowboys and Cowgirls we haven’t seen in awhile and we miss you.  Please get off the couch or whatever you have been doing and please come out and join us on October 20 to “Shoot For A Cure”.  To pre-register for the match please email Inita Shoot at Please include this information: name, alias, category, email address and phone number. DO NOT send money.  All money will be collected at the match.  As in each year past, ALL money collected will be donated to the “Turtles”, our area Relay For Life team.

I hope that we can make the goal of $10,000 but more importantly I hope to see everyone of you that mean so much to me at the match.

Inita Shoot’s correct email is:

Also, if you would like to donate but you know that you can’t make it to the match, please make checks to:

American Cancer Society

 Send to:
Pat Graves
3030 King William Ave.
West Point, VA 23181

Thanks, sorry for the mistake and forgotten material




Mattaponi Sundowners results 9-28-19

Howdy All Cowboys and Cowgirls,

Well, we missed quite a few of y’all today and you were missed.  It was a good day for shooting, didn’t get hot until the 5th stage but the tents and fans helped.

Congrats to Cody Maverick as Overall match winner.  Congrats to Cody, Potter County Kid, Swifty McDraw and Sassy for shooting CAD.  It was a good match.

We got to welcome 2 new shooters with us today. Telsa Ranger just moved from PA to VA and Flatboat’s grandson, Tec’s Terror who shot his first SASS match ever.  He didn’t do bad.  We also want to wish Telsa’s wife well in her knee surgery on Monday.  We hope that she is shooting with us soon.

Don’t forget to get your apps in for Range Wars, the deadline is close.  Don’t forget to register for “Shoot For A Cure” so we can get extra money from WPGC.  For each shooter that will pre-register and shoot the match we will get $5.  Send your name, alias, category, email and phone # to  If anyone would like to donate and can’t make the match sent your donation to Sassy Shooting Sours 3030 King William Ave.  West Point, VA. 23181.  We hope to see many of you at the match.

Don’t forget Pungo is not shooting next Saturday but Cavalier is shooting on Sunday.  Potter, I and others will be spending the weekend at the Green Top Expo selling tickets for “Shoot For A Cure” for the gift card donated by Green  Top.

Sassy and Potter



Mattaponi Sundowners Saturday match

Howdy All Cowboys and Cowgirls,

The Mattaponi Sundowners will be having a match this Saturday.  Gates will open at 0800, safety meeting at 0930, and shooting starts at 1000.

The weather sounds like it will be warm but with the early start we hope to get most of the match done before the heat gets too bad.  We will have tents and fans as needed.  Water will be provided but you might want to bring your favorite sports drink.

We hope to see at the match.

Sassy and Potter


Mattaponi Sundowners match 9-28-19

Mattaponi Sundowners results

Howdy All,

Really didn’t expect the rain today. The heat wasn’t that bad but the humidity was especially after the rain but if you were there you already know that.  It was still a great day and a great match.

Well, the old geezers took this one today.  They still have it!!  Congrats to Cockroach as Overall match winner.  Congrats to Flatboat Bob, One Eyed Jane and Will Sonnet for shooting CAD.

Remember this is a weird month and Mattaponi Sundowners will NOT be shooting next Saturday. Next Saturday is Black Creek and Sunday is Pepper Mill gang. We will be shooting the following Saturday.

Thanks for all of the help setting up and tearing down.  We had a fun day with everyone and we look forward to seeing Flatboat’s grandson (Warner) shoot his first match in 2 weeks.

For those of y’all that will be shooting WVA state match,  We wish you all good luck and safe travels.

Sassy and Potter



Sunday, Mattaponi Sundowners match

Howdy All Cowboys and Cowgirls,

This is one of those weird months; Pungo Posse` will be shooting this coming Saturday and West Point will be shooting on Sunday.

Sunday’s match will be a Josey Wales match therefore those that want to shoot this will be required to shoot the Duelist or Gunfighter category and instead of the rifle you will be shooting 4 pistols and a shotgun.  However, if you would like to shoot 4 pistols instead of the rifle but shoot 2 handed you may do so but you will be scored in the usual manner.  We will also have the normal categories for those that just want to shoot the 2 pistols, rifle and shotgun.

Attached are the stages written Prairie City Slim.  It will be a fun day.  It may be a little warm but we will be using tents and fans as needed.  We will also have plenty of water but you may want your favorite sports drink.

The gates will open at 1030, safety meeting at 1200 and shooting starts at 1230.  We hope to see you there.

Just a thought to keep in mind; the “Shoot For A Cure” match will be October 20.  More news on this match will be coming next week.  To those that are going to the NY State match,; have fun, shoot well and be safe.

Sassy and Potter


WPGC Cowboy Sept 15 2019 Stages
WPGC Cowboy Sept 15 2019 Stages

Mattaponi Sundowners results 8-24-19

Howdy All,

Well, what a wonderful day for shooting.  Can’t blame a dang think on the weather not sure the same can be said for the match writer. She got bit by the “match writers curse”. Worse part is, that’s the one stage I was looking forward to shooting but that dang “P” put a stop to that.

Congrats to Major B. S. Walker as the Overall match winner.  Congrats to our only 2 CAD shooters, Flatboat Bob and Red Cavanaugh.  I surely do hope that you all had fun.

Please keep the following Cowboys and Cowgirls in your thoughts and prayers; Goosefoot, Remo Williams, Clementine, Robert Greywolf and Kid at Heart.  I hear that Goosefoot is hanging in there but painfully and hopes to have rehab soon, Remo is doing hemodialysis 3 days per week, Clementine has a cyst in her bladder with plans to have it out at some time, Greywolf is in rehab and progressing and Kid at Heart may have to have part of his operative eye sewn closed to promote healing.  This update is as I understand it so I hope that I have it all right.

Tomorrow the Pepper Mill gang will be shooting with the first shot at 1000.  Next Sunday Cavalier will be shooting with details to come out later. Don’t forget to your applications in for Range Wars coming up in October.  Many of us will be shooting the Virginia State Championship.  Make sure you pack all that you need and then double check everything to make sure you have guns, ammo and leather.  Travel safely.  Hope to see y’all there.

Have a GREAT week and see ya next weekend.

Sassy and Potter



Mattaponi Sundowners Saturday match

Howdy all Cowboys and Cowgirls,

The Mattaponi Sundowners will be shooting this Saturday.  Gates will open at 0800, safety meeting at 0930 and shooting starts at 1000.

Attached are the stages.

It’s supposed to be a little cooler, we sure hope so, but tents, fans and water will be available and used as needed.  At this point in time, I do not see a need to shoot other than regular cowboy dress.

We hope that you can make it.  Don’t forget the Star City Shootout match and get your applications in.

Sassy and Potter

Mattaponi Sundowners match 8-24-2019

Mattaponi Sundowners match results

Howdy All Cowboys and Cowgirls,

Well, this one is in the books.  It sure was hot today, thank God for fans, tents and cold water.  Thank you all that were there for set up and helped with take down.  Before we get too far, just wanted to let everyone know that One Eyed Rooster is ok, just got over heated but ok now.

Congrats to Major B. S. Walker as Overall match winner.  Congrats to Major B. S. Walker, Flatboat Bob, Beartooth, One Eyed Jane and Will Sonnet for shooting CAD. CAD shows One Eyed Rooster but it was the way I put in the scores and he didn’t complete the match, therefore not listed as CAD.

We were glad to welcome X Mark and Saucy Susie who joined us from Colorado.  Good luck on the birth of that first grandchild.  We do hope that you can join us again.

We will be having a match on Saturday, starting at 1000.  It is supposed to be cooler.  More details will be coming.  Hope you can join us.

Sassy and Potter


Sunday with Mattaponi Sundowners

Howdy All Cowboys and Cowgirls,

Sunday the Mattaponi Sundowners will be holding a match written by Ripsaw.  The gates will open at 1030, safety meeting at 1200 and shooting starts at 1230.

It is supposed to be warm.  We will have “cowboy casual” dress code with NO open toed shoes or ball caps though.  We will have tents, fans and cold water available.  You may want to bring your favorite sports drink too.

We hope that you all are remembering Goosefoot as he heals from his fall.  We also hope that you can join us for a fun match on Sunday.  Don’t’ forget to get your applications in for Star City Shootout in 2 weeks, time is getting short.  We need to support our State match.

Sassy and Potter

West Point Match Aug 18 2019