Cowboy Action

Sunday Mattaponi Sundowners

Howdy All Cowboys and Cowgirls,

Ready to finally shoot a match with the Mattaponi Sundowners?  We sure hope so.  Attached are the stages for Sunday. Gates will open at 1000, safety meeting at 1200 and shooting starts at 1230.  I just checked with Nick’s, we will be able to go eat after the match. They are reserving the back room for us. Wearing a mask into the restaurant is required under Stage II of reopening. It can be removed to eat, kind of hard to eat without doing that. Hey, I didn’t say it first, your Governor did.

I didn’t want to provide water at the match as we usually do because of cross contamination but I don’t see a way around this with the temperatures in the 90’s. If you aren’t comfortable with this please bring your own water or sports drink in your own cooler.

We will try to practice social distancing. Please be mindful that you may be comfortable getting closer than 6’ but the person around you may not be, so please keep this in mind.  We strongly suggest that you wear a mask but this isn’t required.  We will set up a way for you to safely use and touch the handles (etc) the portapotty. With the Phase II in place we will not be limited to a group of 10, so we should be able to handle our normal posse` numbers.

We are looking forward to seeing our friends and Cowboy family again. We sure have missed y’all. See ya Sunday. Don’t forget this Sunday is Father’s Day, also.

Sassy and Potter


Mattaponi Stages 06-21-2020

Smoke On The Mattaponi

Cowboys and Cowgirls,
Well, the time has come for a decision.  The uncertainty of the Covid19 has made me decide to cancel the Smoke On The Mattaponi match.  Many factors have made this decision for me: businesses closed, unemployment up, the “Stay at Home” policy making soliciting sponsorship difficult, making plans for the luncheon, will the place where we get the awards from be open soon enough to accommodate our needs plus what phase of Virginia reopening will we be in at the time of the match. For all of these reasons it have made this event difficult to call but we do know it would not get the consideration that it deserves if we have to do everything last minute.
It has been suggested that I postpone and reschedule, but with other clubs in the same situation trying to reschedule and other clubs planning their two day matches, it’s just not going to work out.  I even tried to call SASS but they were closed, so I had to send an email.  
For those who have already registered we will be contacting you to see if you want your checks back or for us to shred them.  
I will be submitting the application for next years Virginia State Black Powder Shootout to SASS soon.  
Hope next year we will not be in this situation and not only can we enjoy shooting the Smoke match but also all of the matches we have been missing with all of our friends (Cowboy family) in good health.
Stay safe and we hope to be seeing y’all soon.
Potter County Kid

Cowboy Matches

Howdy All Cowboys and Cowgirls,
We are sorry to announce that the scheduled Cowboy matches for May 17 and 23 are cancelled in accordance with the “Stay at Home” policy for the state.
We are not sure what will happen at this point to the “Smoke On the Mattaponi”. We understand that May 8th has a possibility of opening of some Non Essential businesses but as it stands now the “Stay at Home” policy will remain until June 10. Let’s keep our fingers and toes crossed that this holds out and doesn’t get extended.
Once a decision has been made, closer to the date of the match, we will notify everyone.
By the time we get to shoot again, we all may need mentors. Did you hear that our Governor said we can do “drive up gun purchases” ?
Y’all stay safe and hope to see you soon.
Sassy and Potter

match results 2-22-2020

Howdy All,


It was a bit cool today and stayed that way.  Well, Frontier Mick was still walking when I last saw; no broken knee caps or lynching.  It was a good match even though I only shot ½ of it.


Congrats to Cody Maverick as Overall Match winner.  Congrats to Beartooth, Marshall P. C. Wabash, One Eyed Jane and Prairie City Slim for shooting CAD.


I was good seeing everyone. Remember the Gathering deadline for applications is Feb. 28, so get your applications in.  See y’all next Sunday at Cavalier.


Sassy and Potter


MATTAPONI SUNDOWNERS results 2-22-2020

Mattaponi Sundowners Saturday match

Howdy All Cowboys and Cowgirls,


Saturday, February 22, will be a Mattaponi Sundowners match day.  Gates will open at 0800, safety meeting at 0930 and shooting starts at 1000.  Let’s all join in welcoming and supporting our newest match writer (second match), Frontier Mick.  Attached are the stages for Saturday’s match.


The weather prediction does have a possibility of snow for Thursday night.  If this snow should happen and hang around to bother the match we will send out an announcement via email as soon as possible. 


We hope to see y’all there.  Don’t forget your application for Gathering, the time is fastly approaching.


Sassy and Potter



Mattaponi Sundowners Sunday

Howdy All Cowboys and Cowgirls,

The Mattaponi Sundowners will be having a match on Sunday, February 16, 2020.  The gates will open at 1000, safety meeting at 1200 and shooting starts at 1230.  There is a very small change of rain and in the 50’s on Sunday.  We are counting on that but will make adjustments as needed.  You want to read the stages this time, there is a surprise or 2.

Hope to see y’all there Sunday.  Please don’t forget “The Gathering On The Mattaponi.”

Sassy and Potter


Mattaponi Sundowners match 2-16-20

Mattaponi Sundowners Saturday match

Howdy All Cowboys and Cowgirls,

Saturday the Mattaponi Sundowners will be hold a match. The weather is looking like the warmest day of the week but with a possibility of rain. We will use tents as needed.

Gates will open at 0830, safety meeting at 0930, and shooting starts at 1000. 

We hope to see y’all there.

Sassy and Potter




Mattaponi Sundowners 1-19-2020

Howdy All,

Well we had sunshine but a breeze, a trade off, I guess but not bad for January.  We did have a nice group of Cowboys and Cowgirls and we thank you all for coming, enjoying time together and for all of the hard work tearing down.

Congrats to Cody Maverick as Overall Top Shooter and to J. C. Phoenix as 2nd place Top Shooter.  Congrats to Beartooth, Flatboat Bob, Ripsaw, Swifty McDraw and One Eyed Jane for shooting CAD.

Mattaponi Sundowners will be shooting next Saturday.  More information will come later in the week.

Don’t forget “The Gathering On The Mattaponi” in March.  Application is attached or you can go to and get it.  Don’t wait until the last minute to get it in, please.

For those of you going to the State Capitol rally day.  Please be safe and be smart, don’t let some dummy egg you into to something stupid. That’s what they will be waiting for and counting on.

See ya next Saturday.

Sassy and Potter


MATTAPONI SUNDOWNERS results 1-19-2020

Mattaponi Sundowners match for Sunday

Howdy all Cowboys and Cowgirls,

Mattaponi Sundowners will be holding there first match of 2020 on Sunday.  Gates will open at 1000, safety meeting at 1200 and shooting starts at 1230.  The weather looks dry but cold so dress warm.

Attached are the stages for Sunday’s match.  The registration form for The Gathering On The Mattaponi is all attached.  Prairie City Slim is busy at work to have another great match for us.  Please get your application in, don’t wait until the last minute, please.  Follow the directions as where to send it and all other information you might need at this point.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday.

Sassy and Potter



Mattaponi Sundowners match for Sunday

Howdy All Cowboys and Cowgirls,

The Mattaponi Sundowners will be holding their Christmas match on Sunday, Dec. 15.  The stages are written by Cody Maverick and attached.  The gates will open at 1000, safety meeting at 1200 and shooting starts at 1230.

With this being our Christmas match. After the match is complete we will be going to Nick’s for dinner and a Chinese gift exchange. It’s simple, if you bring a gift you get a gift and the gift exchange is not mandatory to join us for dinner.  Please have the gift Cowboy related and a maximum of $25.  If you want to join us for the dinner and gift exchange but not able to shoot, please email me at, or text/call me at 804-370-4521. If I don’t answer, please leave a message.  This will help me to give Nick’s a correct head count for dinner.

We hope that you will be able to join us.  The weather, at this point, is looking ok with no rain and 55.

Sassy and Potter


WPGC Cowboy Stages for Dec 15 2019 (by Cody)