Cowboy Action

Stages for the West Point Dec 17 Cowboy Match

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Mattaponi Sundowners will be holding their annual Christmas Cowboy Match on Sunday, December 17th, 2017, at the West Point Gun Club.

The stages written by Flatboat Bob are attached in MS Word and PDF formats.

The match starts shooting at 12:30 pm with the gates opening at 10:00, registration running from 10:30 till 11:45, and the mandatory safety meeting at 12:00 Noon. The cost of the match is $15.00 for non members and $0.00 (free) for WPGC members. Additional information is available on our web site at

After the match we will be going over to Nicks Restaurant for our Annual Chinese Gift Exchange. The rules for the gift exchange are attached. Participation is easy, if you want to participate then bring a gift (cowboy or shooting related), wrapped, around $20.00 in value, everyone that brings a gift will be a part of the gift exchange. You do not have to shoot the match to take part in the exchange. If you are not shooting the match, but are coming for the gift exchange, please call Sassy at 804-370-4521 and let her know, so that we can get the reservations correct.

Safe Travels,


WPGC Cowboy Dec 17 2017 Stages.doc
WPGC Cowboy Dec 17 2017 Stages.pdf
Chinese Gift Exchange Rules.pdf

Mattaponi Sundowners match results 11/19/2017

Howdy All,

Well, what a day; a bit windy but for November, not bad.  There were several regular shooters absent today and we missed y’all.  We had a new shooter from Texas via Quantico, Big Iron Patnode and a prospective new shooter “ No Name Yet”; WELCOME to Mattaponi Sundowners and we hope to see y’all again soon.

Congrats to Big Iron Patnode for being the top shooter today and to Big Iron Patnode, Flatboat Bob and Stogie for shooting CAD.  What a way to have your first match at Mattaponi!! 

We want to remind everyone that Mattaponi Sundowners will not be shooting next Saturday.  Our next match will be Sunday, December 17.  This will be our Christmas match and will be followed by dinner at Nick’s with a Chinese Gift exchange.  We hope to see y’all there.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING and safe travel to all.

CleanShootersNoMissNoProc 11-19-17.pdf
DetailedMatchResultsByTime 11-19-17.pdf

Sassy and Potter

Update on Shoot For A Cure

Howdy All,

Just wanted to give y’all a final update on the Shoot For A Cure match.  With the Peppermill Creek Gang, Wistful selling more goods and money donated at Range Wars, our GRAND TOTAL IS $6345.  WOW!!!!!  You Cowboys and Cowgirls are AWESOME!!!!  THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR DONATIONS AND SUPPORT!!!!  They is nothing else to say, YOU ARE GREAT BEYOND BELIEF!!!

Loco Linda also wanted me to pass along a message from her.  She was sorry that she couldn’t make the match this year and wanted to say, “THANK YOU” for the cards and prayers.  She really appreciated it.  Please keep her and Ramblin Royce in your prayers and if you get a chance please send her a card.

I’m sorry that this isn’t more upbeat but I learned on my way home from Range Wars that my nephew from my first marriage died today. He was 41 and leaves behind 3 children from 19 to 7 years old.  My heart is broken.


Sassy Shooting Sours

Mattaponi Sundowners: Shoot For A Cure match results

Howdy All,

I just wanted to THANK YOU, each and everyone of you again; not for just coming (which was great) but for giving from the bottom of your hearts.  The “SHOOT FOR A CURE” match was a GREAT success, thanks to y’all.  We raised and donated $5620.  This may not be our bottom total because  Wistful is taking some “do rags” to the ship yard to sell.  I will send out the grand total as soon as I know it.  Y’all are so GREAT!!!  You never stop amazing me.  It really shows that so such can be done with so few.  42 shooters and that much money, even our waitress at Nick’s donated!!.

I would like to give a special THANKS to  the following people that worked so hard to help me make this a success:

Inita Shoot
Wistful McClintock
Quilla Star
Mrs. Flatboat
Arizona Ansie

I can’t say enough for the wonderful help that was given to me.  THANK YOU!!

Please take the time to send Loco Linda and Ramblin Royce a card and prayer. Send to: Loco Linda

Linda Dunnivan
5817 Norwood Oaks Drive
Raleigh, NC  27614


Thank you again and I hope everyone receives a blessing from this.


Shoot For A Cure Clean Shooters 2017.pdf
Shoot For A Cure Match Results 2017.pdf

Mattaponi Sundowners: October 15, 2017-Shoot For A Cure

Howdy All,

Well, it’s time!!!!   The Shoot For A Cure, breast cancer match, will be held on Sunday, October 15.  The gates will open at 1000, safety meeting at 1145, opening ceremony at 1200 and match at 1230.  I’m not item dropping but we have several things for sale, auction and raffle; like a pistol, bullets, primers, and action jobs.  There are many other worthy items but don’t want to tell all, got to leave some surprises for Sunday.  Got your attention now?  Good!! The big announcement is that ALL money will go to an area Relay For Life team.  West Point Gun Club will not keep a penny of any money collected; in fact, they are contributing $5 for each person that will pre-register for the match and come Sunday.  I so far have 27 shooters registered.  Come on people, let me know that you are coming and then show up!!  We need you to make this match successful.

Please let me know ASAP if you haven’t all ready and if you are planning on attending.  If you know that you can’t make it but would like to donate please get a check in the mail NOW and made payable to the American Cancer Society.  I will be turning in all money at the Sunday match.

Attached are the stages for Sunday.  I think this will be a fun match.  Please bring your smiling faces and warm hearts to the match but in case you haven’t gotten it yet, WE NEED YOU TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN!!!

Email me that you are coming:

Send checks made payable to: American Cancer Society

Sassy Shooting Sours

3030 King William Ave.

West Point, VA. 23181

See ya Sunday!!


Mattaponi Sundowners SHOOT FOR A CURE 2017.docx
Mattaponi Sundowners SHOOT FOR A CURE 2017.pdf

Mattaponi Sundowners: Cowboy Match & Stages – Saturday September 23rd, 2017

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Mattaponi Sundowners will be playing cowboy this weekend on Saturday, September 23rd, 2017 at the West Point Gun Club.

The match will start shooting at 10:00 am with the gates opening at 8:00, registration running from 8:30 till 9:30 and the mandatory safety meeting at 9:30. The cost of the match is $15.00 for non members and $0.00 (free) for members of the WPGC. Additional information is available on our web site at:

The stages have been written by Major BS Walker and are attached in both PDF and MS Word formats. 

WPGC Match 09-23-2017 – 17 The Horse.docx
WPGC Match 09-23-2017 – 17 The Horse.pdf

Safe Travels,


Mattaponi Sundowners: Cowboy Scores – Sunday September 17th, 2017

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Mattaponi Sundowners held their monthly 3rd Sunday match today at the West Point Gun Club.

The Overall Top Shooter was Cody Maverick, Congratulations Cody!!!!

The Clean All Day Shooters were Flatboat Bob and One Eyed Jane, Congratulations to both of them!!!!!

The scores from ACES are attached in PDF format. 

09-17-2017 CleanShootersNoMissNoProc.pdf
09-17-2017 DetailedMatchResultsByTime.pdf

Safe Travels,


Mattaponi Sundowners: Cowboy Match & Stages – Sunday September 17th, 2017

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Mattaponi Sundowners will be shooting this Sunday, September 17th, 2017.

The stages have been written by Cody Maverick and are attached in PDF and MS Word formats.

WPGC Cowboy Sept 17 2017 Stages (by Cody).doc
WPGC Cowboy Sept 17 2017 Stages (by Cody).pdf

The match will start shooting at 12:30 pm with the mandatory safety meeting starting at 12:00 Noon, registration running from 10:00 till 12:00 and the gates opening at 10:00.

The cost of the match is $15.00 for non members and $0.00 (free) for members of WPGC.

Additional information is available on our web site at

Safe Travels,


Mattaponi Sundowners: Cowboy Match Scores – Saturday August 26th, 2017

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Mattaponi Sundowners held their monthly 4th Saturday match today at the West Point Gun Club.

The scores from ACES are attached in PDF format.

08-26-2017 CleanShootersNoMissNoProc.pdf
08-26-2017 DetailedMatchResultsByTime.pdf

Congratulations to Doc Pill Filler as our Top Overall Shooter!!

Congratulations to our Clean All Day Shooters Longhorn Louie, Missouri Marshal, Prairie City Slim and Will Sonnet.

Safe Travels,


Mattaponi Sundowners: Cowboy Match & Stages – Saturday August 26th, 2017

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Mattaponi Sundowners will be shooting on Saturday, August 26th, 2017, at the West Point Gun Club.

The stages have been written by Flatboat Bob and are attached in MS Word and PDF formats.

STAGES FOR AUGUST 26^J 2017.docx

The match starts shooting at 10:00 am with the gates opening at 8:00, registration running from 8:30 till 9:30 and the mandatory safety meeting at 9:45. Additional information is available on our web site at

Safe Travels,
