Cowboy Action

Mattaponi Sundowners: 3rd Sunday Match & Stages – August 20th, 2017

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Mattaponi Sundowners are holding their monthly 3rd Sunday match on August 20th, 2017, at the West Point Gun Club.

We will have the range setup to address the weather conditions (hot/wet/etc.) and will send out an update on Friday with the dress code for the match.

The stages have been written by Prairie City Slim and are attached in MS Word and PDF formats.

WPGC Cowboy Aug 20 2017 Stages.doc
WPGC Cowboy Aug 20 2017 Stages.pdf

The match will start shooting at 12:30 with the gates opening at 10:30, registration running from 11:00 till Noon and the mandatory safety meeting at Noon. The cost of the match is $15.00 for non members and $0.00 (free) for members of WPGC. Additional match information is available on our web site at 

Safe Travels,


Mattaponi Sundowners: Cowboy Match & Stages – Saturday July 22nd, 2017

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Mattaponi Sundowners will be holding their monthly 4th Saturday match on July 22nd, 2017, at the West Point Gun Club.

The current weather forecast for Saturday is “dam hot”, so we will be sending out a match update on Friday morning. There is a chance it will be just too hot to safely hold a match, so be sure to check your email and/or our website on Friday for the final decision. We have lot’s of tents and fans and will have the match if we can, cause we do like to shoot.

The stages have been written by myself and are attached in MS Word and PDF formats.

Mattaponi Stages 07-22-2017.docx
Mattaponi Stages 07-22-2017.pdf

The match will start shooting at 10:00 am with the gates opening at 8:00, registration running from 8:30 till 9:30 and the mandatory safety meeting at 9:45. The costs of the match is $15.00 for guests and $0.00 (free) for members of WPGC. Additional match information is available on our web site at

Safe Travels,


Mattaponi Sundowners: Cowboy Match Scores – Sunday July 16th, 2017

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Mattaponi Sundowners held their 3rd Sunday match today at the West Point Gun Club.

Congratulations to Cody Maverick as the Top Overall Shooter!!

Congratulations to Major BS Walker, One Eyed Jane, Prairie City Slim, Red Cavanaugh, Ripsaw and Swifty McDraw as our Clean All Day Shooters!!

The scores from ACES are attached in PDF format.

07-16-2017 CleanShootersNoMissNoProc.pdf
07-16-2017 DetailedMatchResultsByTime.pdf

Safe Travels,


Mattaponi Sundowners: IMPORTANT- SASS Scoring

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

You may have just seen a similar message from the Cavalier Cowboys.

SASS has just announced that effective immediately all SASS Sanctioned Cowboy Action Shooting matches are to be scored using Total Time.

You can read the announcement below from SASS.

A “sanctioned” match is when there is a contract between SASS and the match organizers that defines how the match will be conducted. This includes state matches, state blackpowder matches, regional matches, divisional matches and etc..

Previously SASS directed that regional and above matches use Rank Points for scoring and matches at the state level and below could use either Rank Points or Total Time for scoring.

The Mattaponi Sundowners have always used Rank Points (with the exception of the Smoke match), specifically because that was the scoring system used at the major SASS matches. 

Therefore, we will continue with our practice of using the scoring system used by SASS at it’s major matches and we will switch to Total Time scoring, effective immediately for all our matches.

FYI, the Smoke on the Mattaponi match has been and will be scored by Total Time.

Safe Travels,


——— Forwarded message ———-

Dear SASS Match Directors, Event Organizers, RO Committee, and Affiliated Club Contacts:
After careful consideration and evaluation of the countless requests and movements regarding scoring methods for Cowboy Action Shooting™, the SASS Board of Directors do hereby decree that effective immediately, all SASS Sanctioned Cowboy Action Shooting™ matches are to be scored using Total Time.Please consider this your notice to that effect and make immediate changes to your match planning to accommodate the change.
SASS Sanctioned Cowboy Action Shooting™ matches will no longer be allowed to use any scoring method other than Total Time. Updated contracts will be issued in the coming weeks to reflect the change.
We feel strongly that this monumental change will garner great support and appreciation from our valued members.
Misty D. Miller
aka Misty Moonshine
Chief Executive Officer
Single Action Shooting Society
SASS Patron Life #83232
Office: 505-843-1320
Toll free: 877-411-SASS

WPGC – Cowboy Match & Stages – Sunday July 16th, 2017

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Mattaponi Sundowners will be holding their monthly 3rd Sunday match on July 16th, 2017, at the West Point Gun Club.

The match will start shooting at 12:30 with the gates opening at 10:30, registration running from 11:00 till Noon and the mandatory safety meeting at Noon. The cost of the match is $15.00 for non members and $0.00 (free) for members of WPGC. Additional match information is available on our web site at

The stages have been written by myself and are attached in MS Word and PDF formats.

Mattaponi Stages 07-16-2017.docx
Mattaponi Stages 07-16-2017.pdf

We will send out an match update on Friday with the final call but it is looking like a hot weather match. The stages have been designed so that we can place the big tents over the firing line and to minimize the amount of setup and tear down.

A note on our mailing list, in the very near future we will be converting our mailing list over to a Google Group, as we have done with the Double Action Matches. All of the communications for this match will be sent with our current email list but the communications for the 4th Saturday match will be with the new Google Group. So, please be on the lookout for the invite to that group in the next couple of days. 

Safe Travels,


WPGC – Smoke on the Mattaponi X – Scores – Sat. June 24th, 2017

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Mattaponi Sundowners hosted the 2017 SASS Virginia State Black Powder Shootout, Smoke on the Mattaponi X, yesterday at the West Point Gun Club. We were hoping for a very smokey day but a good breeze all day long, made the targets fairly easy too see.

Congratulations to our Best Dressed Cowgirl – Whiskey Mae and our Best Dressed Cowboy – Frontier Mick, aka “Convict Mick”.

Congratulations to Brizco-Z, Chantilly Shooter, Cody Maverick, Flatboat Bob, Nutmegger, and Sod Buster as our Clean All Day Shooters.

Congratulations to all of our Category Winners!!!!!

The scores from ACES are attached in PDF format.

2017 SOTM X Scores (Category).pdf
2017 SOTM X Scores (Clean Shooters).pdf
2017 SOTM X Scores (Overall).pdf

For the Black Powder Shootout we are not allowed to award Match Overall winners, but I’ve included a score sheet sorted in overall order for your review.

I have also attached a copy of the shooters handbook with the stages from the match.

WPGC – Stages – Smoke on the Mattaponi 2017.pdf

A Very Special THANK YOU to Reb Roberts of Reb’s Bullets our Main Match Sponsor and to all of our sponsors for making this match possible. Please support them and thank them for their support.

From all of us at the West Point Gun Club / Mattaponi Sundowners, we hope all of you had a great time and will come back and shoot with us again.

Safe Travels,


WPGC – Smoke on the Mattaponi X – Saturday June 24th, 2017

Cowboys & Cowgirls,

The Virginia State Black Powder Shootout, Smoke on the Mattaponi X, will be held this Saturday, June 24th, at the West Point Gun Club.

This match is all “black powder” and takes the place of our regular monthly 4th Saturday match.

The stages will not be emailed out before the match but a printed shooter’s handbook with the stages will be provided in your shooters packet at registration.

On Saturday, the gates will open at 8:00 am, registration will run from 8:30 till 9:30, the mandatory safety meeting will be at 9:45 and the match will start shooting at 10:00 amsharp.

We will shoot the 6 stage main match, then enjoy our hamburger and hot dog lunch with all the fixings, followed by range cleanup and we will end the day with our awards ceremony.

In addition to the category awards, we will be giving out awards for the Best Dressed Cowboy and Best Dressed Cowgirl, so look your best.

The round count for the day is: 60 pistol, 51 rifle, and 33 shotgun.

We have rifle reloads, pistol knockdowns, bonus targets, soda can popper, plate racks, a Texas Star and lot’s of shotgun targets.

If you have not registered for the match and would still like to shoot it, you can. The registration fee is $60.00 and you will have to shoot in the cowboy category in order to keep the awards true. It would be helpful if you would give us a heads up that you are coming.

Safe Travels,
