Cowboy Action

Mattaponi Sundowners: Shoot for a Cure update


Two updates for the Pat Graves Memorial Shoot For a Cure match:
1) Gates will be open around 9:30.  We will “Posse Up” at 12:00 for preliminaries.  Come early to socialize and buy lots of raffle tickets.  Shooting starts at 12:30.
2) All activity normally held downrange will be held in our “Storage Building” just in case it decides to start raining.  This includes check-in for the match and also includes the “store” with all of the numerous items donated for auction, raffle, or for sale.
-Swifty McDraw
p.s. The “Storage Building” is the white garage-size building East of the porta-potties.

Mattaponi Sundowners: Fwd: Pistol Silent Auction at Shoot for a Cure this Sunday

Howdy Y’all,

  It is my intention to hold a silent auction for a pair of revolvers in memory of Sassy Shooting Sours at the Shoot for a Cure match this Sunday.  See attached flier.  Right now I’m not sure if I can legally transfer them at the shoot.  I’m working with Hotshod to see if we can do it.  If it turns out we cannot LEGALY do a transfer at the shoot I will cancel the auction.  If you have questions, please contact me at

Pungo Posse, Mattaponi Sundowners, Cavalier Cowboys and KC’s Corral please forward this to your email list.  Thanks

Happy Trails,


Missouri Marshal

Ronnie Turnbull

SASS 50682L

NRA Endowment

Island Girl

WPGC Range Closure reminder

Hi All,

Just a Reminder that the range will be unavailable for general usage this weekend starting at 3pm on Saturday and all day on Sunday.

The club is hosting the annual “Pat Graves Memorial Shoot For A Cure” match to raise money for the American Cancer Society.

All members and guests are welcome and invited to come by the range on Sunday for the event. Please see the attached PDF file for additional information.

If you have any questions, Please call me at 804.822.1073.


Thank you,


Clark Faulconer

Vice President and Membership director

West Point Gun Club

2023 Shoot for a Cure announcement

Mattaponi Sundowners: Shoot For A Cure

The Mattaponi Sundowners are making preparations for the annual American Cancer Society benefit match. This year the match will be held on Sunday October 15. This will be the Pat Graves (Sassy Shooting Sours) Memorial Shoot for a Cure Match. There is no application, but I am asking everyone to pre-register for this match. The West Point Gun Club will donate an additional $5.00 for each shooter that pre-registers and attends the match. All that is required is for you to email me at or text me at (804) 241-5418 with your alias and category. You do not need to prepay. Bring your money to the match.
Once again Green Top is donating a $500.00 gift card for us to raffle. I am looking for volunteers to help me work a booth at the Green Top Outdoor Expo on October 7th and 8th. The goal is to sell raffle tickets and promote Cowboy Action Shooting. If you can help me out with this please let me know by email at or call/text me (804) 241-5418.
Please let me know if you have any items to donate for sale, raffle, or auction. I have a new-in-the-box Dillon 550 reloader. Prairie City Slim is donating a cap and ball pistol. Marshal P.C. Wabash has made an elephant hide trifold wallet. Mrs. P.C. Wabash a beautiful hand made quilt. Corkscrew Tom is making and donating a stool.
Let’s make this a special event in honor of Sassy!
Thank you,
Potter County Kid

Mattaponi Sundowners: Sunday Results


It was partly cloudy at the range today, with a nice breeze to help keep cool when the sun came out.  Some drizzle blew in during stage 5, but it blew away during stage 6.  Overall, a nice day for a Cowboy match.
Congratulations to Cody Maverick for winning the match, to Potter County Kid for winning the Josey Wales category, and to the six shooters who shot clean all day: Flatboat Bob, Kidd At Heart, Mac Moshannon, One Eyed Rooster, Feather, and One Eyed Jane.
Scores attached.
The Pat Graves Memorial Shoot for a Cure match will be held on October 15.  That’s only 4 weeks from today.  Watch for details coming soon.
-Swifty McDraw

Mattaponi Sundowners: Fwd: Cavalier Cowboys Pungo Posse Updates

Here’s a message from our friends at Pungo Posse, with a Registration Form for SCRW attached.


Howdy Pards & Pardettes …

Just wanted to let you know that there have been a lot of updates to the PP webpage.  Updates include the latest attendance list for Range War 2023 and an updated shooting calendar for 2024 (Accurate, but still awaiting final approval).  The list for Range War was updated today.  The website is located at:

Please note that just because we dragged our feet getting the SCRW 2023 info out, does not mean you should drag your feet getting your application in.  The form is attached.  Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Kidd AtHeart

SCRW 2023 Application

Mattaponi Sundowners: Monthly Sunday Match (Josey Wales)

The Mattaponi Sundowners will be hosting a Cowboy Action match this coming Sunday September 17 at the West Point Gun Club.
Gates will open at 10:00, the safety meeting will be at 12:15, and we start shooting at 12:30
Stages by Prairie City Slim attached.  This is our annual Josey Wales match, which allows the option of using two extra revolvers staged and fired in place of the rifle.  If shooting in this category, all four revolvers are fired with one hand, either Duelist style or Gunfighter style.  A flyer is attached with a summary of the rules.
-Swifty McDraw


Mattaponi Sundowners: Saturday Results


It was a dry sunny day at the range today.  Ten of us shot a match designed for simplicity, and we were finished in near-record time.
Congratulations to Dakota Rambler for the win and for shooting the match clean.  Congrats also to Buzzard Bayne and Prairie City Slim for shooting clean all day.
Scores attached.
Coming soon:
3rd Sunday in September (9/17) – the Josie Wales match
4th Saturday in September (9/23) – regular monthly match
3rd Sunday in October (10/15) – The Pat Graves Memorial Shoot for a Cure match
-Swifty McDraw