Cowboy Action

Mattaponi Sundowners 12-12-2020

Howdy All Cowboys and Cowgirls,

Well, another one in the books and with a NEW leader on the board.  It turned out to be a nice day especially for December but personally I would have liked to see a bit more sunshine.

It was good to see Reb Roberts and Dueling Dave and have them there, even if for a short visit. Hope everyone got a good supply of bullets. We had a spectator from the WPGC with us today and she may become a Cowgirl soon.

Congrats to Dakota Rambler as Overall Match Winner. Congrats to Bingo Montana and Tesla Ranger for shooting CAD.

Don’t forget Pungo is having a match tomorrow.  Reb has a few bullets left and he will be at Pungo tomorrow but will not be staying to the completion of the match.

Have a great week and stay safe.

Sassy and Potter

CAD 12-12-2020
results 12-12-2020

Saturday with Mattaponi Sundowners

Howdy All Cowboys and Cowgirls,

The Mattaponi Sundowners will be shooting this Saturday, Dec. 12. Attached are the stages by Frontier Mick.  The gates will open at 0800, safety meeting at 0930 and shooting starts at 1000.

Santa, in the form of Reb Roberts, will be with us at the match. He will not be able to shoot with us or stay until the end but he wanted me to let y’all know that he will be there. He will be bringing bullets for sale. Attached is a list of bullets with prices. Time to talk to Santa and stock up.

We hope to see y’all there.  The weather is supposed to be near 65 and the rain is also supposed to hold off until evening.  It should be a good day.  As you all know Covid19 has made leaps in the numbers. Please be aware and social distance as much as possible.

Pungo will also be shooting this coming Sunday, Dec. 13.  Reb Roberts also plans on being there.

Sassy and Potter

reb’s bullets
WPGC Cowboy Dec 12, 2020 Stages

Mattaponi Sundowners results 11-15-2020

Howdy All Cowboys and Cowgirls,

We had a bit of a breezy day and other than a couple of drops, no rain. Still ain’t bad for November.  We were glad y’all joined us today and hope that you enjoyed the match.

Congrats to Cody Maverick as Overall Match Winner. Congrats to Beartooth, Bingo Montana, Flatboat Bob, Kuba Kid, Major B. S. Walker and Sassy Shooting Sours for shooting CAD.

Remember that this is a weird month and Mechanicsville will be shooting next Saturday.  We will not be having a 4th Saturday match in November.

We wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving. Stay SAFE!!

Sassy and Potter

CAD 11-15-2020
MATTAPONI SUNDOWNERS results 11-15-2020

Mattaponi Sundowners match Sunday

Howdy All Cowboys and Cowgirls,

The Mattaponi Sundowners will be holding a match this Sunday, November 15.  Gates will open at 1000, safety meeting at 1200 and shooting starts at 1230. Attached are the stages if you’d like to read them first.

The weather isn’t looking a nice as this past Saturday but they are also changing it every time that I look at it. Last I saw was a 60% chance of showers. We will have tents up as needed and if any small changes are needed to the movement of the stages we will make them as much as possible to keep it safe for shooting and moving.  We will also keep an eye on the weather and if we have to cancel the match we will send out an email as soon as possible on Saturday.

We hope to see y’all there.

Sassy and Potter

Mattaponi Sundowners 11-15-2020 match

Mattaponi Sundowners results 11-07-2020

Howdy All Cowboys and Cowgirls,

What a wonderful day for shooting, especially in November, not too hot and not too cold, JUST RIGHT!! I might be a little prejudice  but I thought it was a great match and I could remember the line too.

Congrats to Cody Maverick as Overall Match Winner. Congrats to Bingo Montana, Cotton Connie, Flatboat Bob, Longhorn Louie, One Eyed Jane and Potter County Kid for shooting CAD.

We hope y’all had a good time.  Remember Handsome Huggy’s family in your prayers.

Mattaponi Sundowners will be shooting next Sunday. This is a weird month so mark your calendars accordingly.  We will send out the match stages next Tuesday.  Hope y’all can make it.

Sassy and Potter

CAD 11-07-20
results 11-07-20

Mattaponi Sundowners Match

Howdy y’all,

The Mattaponi Sundowners will be having a match this  Saturday November 7, 2020. This is normally a Pungo Posse day, but with hunting season Pungo is not able to use the Sussex County range. Also the Sundowners will not be shooting a normal 4th Saturday match due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Gates will open at 8:00 with safety meeting 9:30 and start shooting at 10:00. The stages are attached written by Potter County Kid. The weather is looking very good for Saturday. Sunny with a high of 72. Hope you all can join us.

Mattaponi Sundowners Match 11-07-2020

Mattaponi Sundowners results

Howdy All Cowboys and Cowgirls,

WELCOME BACK TO MATTAPONI SUNDOWNERS!! It’s been awhile since we’ve seen a few of you and it was really glad to have y’all joining us again.  What a great day to shoot!!  I did worry there for a minute that the weather person lied again but NO rain this time.

Congrats to Cody Maverick as the Overall match winner.  Congrats to Bingo Montana, Flatboat Bob, Kuba Kid, Major B. S. Walker, One Eyed Jane, One Eyed Rooster, Ripsaw, Sassy Shooting Sours and Swifty McDraw for shooting CAD.  Congrats to Whiskey Mae for shooting her first Cowboy match since breaking her arm and congrats for getting her first popper.

We hope you all had a great time with us.  We are looking forward to seeing y’all at Sussex County Range Wars next weekend.

Just a thought ahead. The Mattaponi Sundowners will not be shooting next weekend or the Saturday following Thanksgiving or the Saturday following Christmas BUT we will be adding 2 matches to the calendar for November 7 and December 12.

See y’all at Range Wars.

Sassy and Potter


CAD 10-18-2020
MATTAPONI SUNDOWNERS results 10-18-2020

Sunday with Mattaponi Sundowners

Howdy All Cowboys and Cowgirls,

Attached are the stages for Sunday’s match with the Mattaponi Sundowners.  The weather is supposed to be nice but we all found how the weather people can lie when we tried to shoot this match last month. It might be a little chilly in the morning but the afternoon is to be mid to upper 60’s.

Gates will open at 1000, safety meeting at 1200 and shooting starting at 1230.  Please try not to be too late getting to the range so we will have plenty of time to get you in the roster and then have plenty of time to finish getting ready ourselves.

We hope to see y’all there.  K C’s Corral will be shooting on this Saturday.

See y’all soon,

Sassy and Potter


2020 WP 26 Sept Match

Saturday match

Howdy All,

Well some cowboys had more sense than others, the ones that stayed home. Good thing is, we all shot CAD.

I apologize to those that came especially when an hour or more was spent driving. We made the best decision we could based on what the dumb weather people said. They don’t know _ _ _ _!! Remember the Shoot For A Cure match last year? Well, this wasn’t far from it. We got soaked trying to put up last minute tents but it didn’t let up. Thank you all for the great help with taking everything down. I’m sorry we couldn’t have made a better decision about having the match but we did the best we could. By the time I got the guns in the house and then the rest of the match stuff from the truck and to the house I was wondering if we did the right thing because the rain stopped then I went to put the truck away, it started pouring again. Yep, we did right!

We will see this match again, we will be shooting it in place of Shoot For A Cure’s match in October

Thank you for all of the help with set up, tear down and the effect of coming today. Hope the W Va State is having better luck.


Saturday at Mattaponi Sundowners

Howdy All Cowboys and Cowgirls,

We will be holding a match at Mattaponi Sundowners on Saturday. Gates will open at 0800, safety meeting at 0930 and shooting starts at 1000. Please do not be late so I’ll have enough time to get you registered and we all have time to get ready.

For those going to the WVa State championship, we hope you have a great time, shoot well and stay safe.

Sassy and Potter


2020 WP 26 Sept Match