SASS Virginia State Blackpowder Shootout

Smoke on the Mattaponi is this coming Saturday! 
  • 32 registered shooters; 2 posses
  • Main Match round count 60 pistol – 60 rifle – 24+ shotgun
  • Plainsman round count 10 pistol – 5 rifle – 2+ shotgun
Stage descriptions will be available at the range when you check in, along with a name tag and door prizes for all shooters.  Check in with Swifty McDraw (in or near Bay 2).
Thanks again to our 23 generous sponsors who made the door prizes, the raffle, the awards, and the match itself, possible.
Raffle tickets will be on sale throughout the match.  A single ticket is $5, you get 5 tickets for $20.  You’ll want lots of tickets for chances to win items valued at over $1500.00.  Put your tickets (as many as you want) in your choice of four “buckets”.  There will be 1 draw from each of the 3 ‘special item’ buckets, then 21 draws from the ‘anything on the table’ bucket.  The first winner gets his/her first choice from the table, etc, until the table is empty.  It will go a lot faster if you write your name on the back of your ticket.
The long-range weather forecast says it will be a dry but hot day.  We will have tents, fans, and coolers full of drinking water.
As with all SASS-sanctioned matches, there will be ‘Best Dressed’ awards for men and ladies.  Anonymous judges will be covertly checking you out, so be nice to everybody.
A schedule of events is attached; you may want to bring a copy with you.  
See you soon.
-Swifty McDraw